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hospital bag necessities | crackers & carrots

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camera was essential to catching the video and photos. The time goes by so quickly, you hardly have time to soak it in. It’s nice now to go back and revisit the memories.

It was nice that my husband brought his laptop so he could upload photos of our new family member, but having mine wasn’t necessary. I could do everything I needed (internet wise) with my iPhone.

The snack assortments were nice to have in the recovery room during the wee hours of the night. You could only order food from 7am-7pm, so when you’re up feeding the little one all throughout the night, you’ll be wanting to eat!

Having my make-up, shower essentials (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razor), blow dryer, straightener, toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, and deodorant were nice to make me feel like a human again.

I had my mom bring in the cookies I had made for the delivery nurses. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to go in the labor/delivery part of the hospital to give them to them personally, but I hope they got them and enjoyed them!

I also brought a heating pad, which was nice to put directly on my stomach for some extra relief and comfort.

Pillows from home were a nice comfort too. And bring two pillow cases if you plan on having your pillow in the delivery room as well as the recovery room. It’ll get nasty in the delivery room.