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Mediterranean Chickpea Burgers

All recipes on jenniferskitchen.com are property of Jennifer's Kitchen and cannot be included in any other recipes collection, online or offline, without prior written permission.
  • 62 minutes
  • Serves 10


1 tbsp

flax seed meal

1 1/2 cups

canned chickpeas (garbanzo beans) with liquid

1/4 cup

bread crumbs - use gluten-free bread crumbs if you want these to be gluten-free

1/3 cup

very finely chopped sun-dried tomatoes

2 tsp

corn starch, tapioca starch, or potato starch

1/2 tsp

lemon zest, scant

1/2 tsp

granulated onion

1/2 tsp

dried basil

1/2 tsp

dried oregano

1/4 tsp


1 1/3 cups

baby spinach leaves

2 tbsp

minced fresh parsley (about 1/3 to 1/2 cup packed parsley leaves and small, tender stems)

2 tbsp

chopped black olives

2 cloves

garlic, minced

2/3 cup

minced fresh onion

2 tbsp

olive oil

2 tbsp

tomato paste