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7 Mediterranean Diet Formulas for a Week's Worth of Easy Dinners

  • minutes
  • Serves


Almonds. They add the best crunch to creamy pasta.

Chicken. Oh, good, because we pretty much eat it every day already.

Chickpeas. Nope, not just for hummus.

Dried cherries. These are so underrated.

Fish. Because you can't live on the Mediterranean without eating fish.

Fresh mozzarella. More moisture than hard cheese means fewer calories. Who knew?

Parsley. Nope, not just for garnish.

Pasta. This is the best "diet" ever. Just keep it to a 2-ounce serving (so basically the size of a baseball).

​Spinach: Gotta get the greens in.

Tomatoes. Life is better with these juicy fruits.