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Vanilla Corn Cake w/ Roasted Strawberries from The First Mess Cookbook

Laura Wright
  • 60 minutes
  • Serves 10


3/4 cup

full-fat coconut milk

1 tsp

fresh lemon juice

1 cup

cornmeal, (not coarse)

1 cup

whole spelt flour

1 tsp

lemon zest

1 tbsp

aluminum-free baking powder

1/4 tsp

baking soda

1 tsp

fine sea salt

1/2 tsp

ground turmeric, (optional)

1/2 cup

+ 2 tablespoons (125 mL + 30 mL) pure maple syrup

1/2 cup

sunflower oil, (plus extra to grease pan)

1 tsp

vanilla bean paste, (or pure vanilla extract)

4 cups

whole strawberries, (roughly 1 quart; smaller berries are preferred)

Whipped Coconut Cream, ((page 271), for serving (optional))