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Sleeker Thighs in One Month

Suzanne Schlosberg; Photos Kevin Banna
  • minutes
  • Serves


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees soft.

Hold fists under chin, palms in and elbows near rib cage, shoulders relaxed.

Pivot 45 degrees to the right.

Extend left leg out to side, pointing toes to the floor.

Do a roundhouse kick: Lift left knee as high as you comfortably can, turning outer thigh to face ceiling.

Extend leg, then retract it, keeping toes pointed.

Lower leg and pivot back to start, so toes point forward.

Squat down, keeping knees aligned with ankles.

Switch legs and repeat.

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, shoulder blades squeezed together, hands on hips.

Keeping right leg straight, knee soft, lift left leg behind body, pointing toes, until you feel a contraction in your glutes (don't arch your back).

Draw a four-point clockwise circle with your left toes, then repeat the circle counterclockwise.

Do all reps on left leg, then switch sides and repeat.

Stand with legs and feet together.

Push hips back and squat as if you were sitting into a chair.

Keep knees over ankles, legs pressed together; extend both arms next to ears, keeping head in line with spine.

Hold for 5 counts.

Place hands on hips and step back with right leg into a lunge, keeping front knee aligned over ankle.

Hold for 5 counts.

Return to start and repeat from chair pose, switching legs as you lunge.

Do 5 reps per side.

Stand with feet twice as wide as shoulder-width apart, toes and knees turned out, heels slightly lifted.

Extend arms out to sides at shoulder height, palms down.

Squat down, pushing hips back slightly and keeping knees over ankles.

Straighten legs, keeping knees soft and heels lifted; repeat.

Stand an arm's length behind the back of a chair, fists under chin, shoulders relaxed, knees soft.

Raise your left knee and draw an arc with your left foot, kicking it over the chair from right to left.

Switch legs and repeat.

Stand with feet together.

Lunge right leg behind you, turning right foot out 45 degrees.

Bend left knee 90 degrees.

Lift arms out to the sides to shoulder height, palms down.

Hold for 5 counts, gazing over front hand.

Raise arms overhead and bring palms together, then lower to chest.

Bring feet together and lift right knee to hip height, resting right heel on inside of left thigh; place hands on hips.

Hold for 10 slow counts.

Switch legs and repeat from start.

Do 5 reps per side.

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips.

Cross right leg behind body and to the left so that inner thighs touch.

Bend left knee 90 degrees, toes pointing forward, then return to starting position.

Raise right leg out to the side as high as you can without shifting your hips; keep left leg straight and knee soft.

Return to starting position; switch sides and repeat.