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10-Minute Workout: Hips, Hips, Away!

Betsy Stephens; Photos Susan Pittard
  • minutes
  • Serves


With feet hip-width apart and hands on hips, slowly extend right leg to the side at hip height in 3 full counts.

Be sure to keep inner thigh parallel to the floor.

Hold for 1 count, then take 3 counts to lower to floor.

Do 15 times, then switch sides.

Standing with hands on hips, hop 3 feet to your left, landing on your left foot with left knee slightly bent.

Bring your right foot down to the floor.

Repeat to the right and continue alternating for a total of 15 on each side.

Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Slowly lift hips and extend left leg, pointing toes toward the wall in front of you.

Hold for 1 count, then move your left leg out to your left side at 90 degrees.

Hold for 1 count and return to center before lowering.

Do 10 times; switch sides.

Stand with hands on hips and kick your right leg in an arc across the front of your body before bringing your foot to the floor in a squat.

Step your left foot next to the right and come to a stand.

Do 15 times, then switch sides.

Get on all fours, weight evenly balanced between your hands and knees.

Lift your left leg out to the side, keeping knee bent 90 degrees and inner thigh facing the floor.

Quickly kick your leg diagonally behind you, bringing your heel toward the ceiling.

Return your left knee to the floor and do 10 times; switch sides.