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6 Breakfast Burritos to Mix Things Up in the Morning!

Jane Maynard
  • minutes
  • Serves


Burritos for Breakfast! 1 of 7

These breakfast burrito recipes have great tips and twists to keep your breakfast delicious and interesting!

Vegan Breakfast Burrito 2 of 7

Think because you're vegan you can't enjoy breakfast burritos? Think again! These vegan breakfast burritos are packed with nutrients and flavor. Make Vegan Breakfast Burritos

Stay Put Breakfast Burrito 3 of 7

Do your kids have trouble keeping the burrito ingredients actually IN the burrito? This trick will solve all your problems! Make Stay Put Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast Pizza Burrito 4 of 7

Make these burritos and you can tell your kids they get pizza for breakfast! The recipe is quick for mom, making it great for weekday mornings. Make Breakfast Pizza Burrito

Secret to the Best Breakfast Burritos 5 of 7

These breakfast burritos boast a secret ingredient, making them "the best."  Make Best Breakfast Burritos with Secret Ingredient!

Corned Beef, Swiss and Bacon Burritos 6 of 7

Mix the flavors up with these corned beef, swiss and bacon burritos! Make corned beef breakfast burritos

Basic Breakfast Burritos 7 of 7

These burritos may be basic, but they're still big on breakfast flavor! And you can always tailor the recipe to whatever you have in the fridge! Make Basic Breakfast Burritos