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Fight Off That Cold with Our Emergen-C Berry Smoothie

Nanette Wong
  • minutes
  • Serves


2 cups

frozen berries (we prefer unsweetened)


medium banana

1 cup

strawberry nonfat Greek yogurt


packet Emergen-C

Cut the banana into small pieces so it’s easier to blend. Then, blend the frozen berries and the banana together. When blended, add in Greek yogurt. When completely liquid, add in the Emergen-C. Blend and then you’re done!

This smoothie is so delicious, you might even want to serve it for dessert!

For those who are always on the move, freeze your smoothie into an ice cube tray. You can let it melt in your travel mug during your morning commute, so by the time you’re sitting at your desk, it’s perfectly melted for consumption.

What are your favorite healthy smoothies? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter .