

Favoreats LLC

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Black Forest Overnight Oats

Melanie McDonald
  • 15 minutes
  • Serves 1


55 g

| ½ cup rolled oats (Be sure to buy gluten free oats if necessary.)

1 tbsp

cocoa powder

1 tbsp

chia seeds

1 tbsp

chocolate chips ((I use Camino chocolate chips as they are organic, fair-trade & vegan but there are other vegan varieties widely available such as Enjoy Life).)

1/2 tsp

vanilla extract

1 tbsp

maple syrup


mls | ¾ cup non-dairy milk

110 g

| 1/2 cup halved cherries ((stones removed - can use frozen and defrosted cherries))

1 tbsp

chocolate chips

1 tsp

non-dairy milk

1 can

full fat coconut milk chilled for at least 24 hours (, chilled for at least 24 hours)