

Favoreats LLC

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How We Paid Off More Than $27,000 of Debt in 6 Months…and Still Ate Paleo

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

steel cut oats

1 serving

vegetable oils

1 serving

vegetable oils

1 serving

steel cut oats

1 serving

steel cut oats

1 serving

rye meal

1 small

we took that tracking statement from our previous month and devised a plan to make each category significantly smaller

1 serving

we called various customer services on various plans and told them we couldn't afford it anymore. they offered to reduce the payments by more than

1 serving

we buy most everything used at goodwill

1 T

we sold a lot of stuff. we sold a car

1 serving

we don't use our debit card at all anymore…only