

Favoreats LLC

GET — On the App Store


NJS Design Company

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

steel cut oats

1 serving

burrito size tortilla

1 serving

steel cut oats

1 pieces

reese pieces

1 piece

reese pieces

1 serving

pine nut


brewed House Blend

1 serving

full-fat milk

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

food color

1 serving

ready to use piecrust

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

wood apple

1 sheet

big shells

1 serving

rice paper

1 small

extra firm tofu

1 serving

color added


else it could be done even quicker

1 serving

step 2: layout your design

1 can

once you find a font you like you can move the words around on the page to get a layout

1 measure

after i was confident in the measurements i made my cuts

1 serving

step 4: planer

1 serving

you do not need a planer

1 serving

see how that made them all the same height. they were already the same width

1 serving

do a fit to make sure they look right and will fit where you want them

1 serving

step 5: pocket holes

1 serving

i set up my kreg jig . i set mine up to be at 3/4"

1 serving

step 6: distress

1 serving

step 7: stain

1 serving

just put on some gloves

1 serving

at this point i stopped

1 serving

step 8: whitewash

1 serving

immediately wipe it away


i applied

1 serving

step 9: print layout

1 boxes

most print dialog boxes will give you this option. if you made your original print into a pdf adobe reader should give you the option to tile as

1 serving

it looks like this

1 can

after it's printed i lay out the design on the floor and line it all up. the pages will overlap slightly

1 serving

step 10: placement and tracing

1 serving

step 11: tracing

1 serving

step 12: painting letters

1 serving

you could do this by hand

1 serving

i use these deco art acrylic paint pens and they are my favorite

1 serving

step 13: attach frame

1 serving

my last step of any project is to admire it

1 serving

need any help

1 serving

i'm currently designing websites


my readers filmed this amazing video of him making the sign from this post. check out his video here. it's really helpful! thanks chris so much