this song came on during my minute treadmill walk
1 cup
i just had my last of international foods vanilla coffee today
1 cup
points when i have a big like this
1 serving
i just make it and teach school while i drink it
1 serving
it's really not healthy
1 serving
halloween happened)
1 serving
speaking of halloween
1 serving
the kids are doing great
1 serving
here i am trying to get a pumpkin picture
1 serving
1 Can
whoa! it's not a ball!" you hear everyone laughing
1 serving
he is so full of personality folks
1 serving
my most favorite parts of the mass
1 serving
full house
1 serving
it's so simple
1 serving
1 serving
the instant life
1 serving
way back when we had our first baby
1 serving
pointless job
1 serving
1 serving
let's talk
1 serving
1 serving
i just want to get you in the mood to be here
1 serving
i love matt maher's music
1 serving
i especially love this song
1 serving
last week
1 pt
i broke down crying
1 serving
it's just so powerful
1 serving
he is in front of jesus in the blessed sacrament
1 serving
which is why he's kneeling
1 serving
speaking of walking
1 serving
i like having this
1 serving
1 serving
it's just a pleasure
1 can
i give it up
1 serving
am i a mean parent
1 serving
how some cuteness
1 serving
i know
1 serving
these little cuties are best of friends
1 serving
1 serving
he's escaping
1 serving
1 serving
look at his face
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
it's wonderful
1 bunch
we dvr a of these during the night
1 serving
to watch whenever
1 serving
i love it
1 serving
this tv family is so wholesome to watch
1 serving
they do not make the parents look stupid
1 serving
when uncle jesse married becky
1 serving
there was a show all moving in together
1 serving
after they were married
1 serving
i know
1 serving
1 serving
i like these boots
1 serving
i am not stylish at all
1 serving
but if i were
1 serving
if i had money
1 serving
i'd so wear these
1 serving
love this
1 serving
i do not understand in the least why this is even an issue
1 serving
1 serving
go to mass
1 serving
i can't wait til the next time
1 serving
since it snowed last night
1 serving
1 serving
that is not my intention
1 serving
i like it
1 serving
seeing my cousins and their kiddos
1 serving
seeing my aunties
1 serving
i love it
1 serving
i like it
1 serving
i do not check it
1 serving
i check it like i check emails
1 serving
you know
1 serving
i don't like it
1 serving
i don't like it
1 serving
but my absent minded
1 pt
i end up doing nothing
1 serving
is passing by
1 serving
talk fast paced
1 serving
i need to slow down
1 serving
don't we all
1 serving
i need to blog again
1 serving
is just slower
1 serving
i like to "like" things
1 serving
in fact
1 serving
i'd love to "love" lots of things
1 serving
like almost everything that my friends post
1 serving
but the problem
1 serving
when i really like something
1 serving
to "love"
1 serving
i share it because in my mind
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
sometimes those things offend others
1 serving
which is not my intention
1 serving
like immunizing
1 serving
i met people that did not immunize
1 serving
at the time
1 serving
i just asked "why don't you
1 serving
then we researched
1 serving
i did not get defensive
1 serving
1 serving
huffy at all
1 serving
i was curious
1 serving
so i asked questions
1 serving
why do people get huffy towards me
1 serving
i don't want to debate anyone
1 serving
this is what we choose
1 serving
it's because of things like
1 serving
this recent article
1 serving
this article confirms that mmr
1 serving
was confirmed to cause autism in some children
1 serving
isn't this news
1 can
1 serving
that's all i want
1 serving
vaccines that have less side effects than the actual disease it is trying to prevent
1 serving
bigger issue here is the fact that vaccines contain aborted fetal cells
1 serving
but they are working on making them without them
1 serving
thank god
1 serving
1 serving
don't do
1 serving
i guess i do
1 serving
not maddening
1 serving
this is interesting
1 serving
this is concerning
1 serving
if it's not to you
1 serving
but if you find it interesting
1 serving
1 serving
we all want what is best
1 serving
i trust you are making the decisions that work
1 serving
can't you trust me too
1 serving
i'm still posting religious images
1 serving
that make other people mad
1 serving
ask questions of others when we
1 serving
differ on things
1 serving
i just want to talk
1 ml
cal y
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
wouldn't these be fun to make
1 serving
i am so tempted to do this
1 serving
in fact when my kids scrub the floor
1 serving
i almost always think of cinderella
1 serving
i know
1 serving
1 serving
my little cuties
1 serving
posted by
1 serving
jamie jo
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
funny things
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
newer post
1 serving
older post
1 serving
1 serving
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