

Favoreats LLC

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Homemade Blueberry Muffin Lärabar Balls

  • minutes
  • Serves 22


1 serving

great many people rightfully find the “make your energy bars at home” trend both unnecessary and incomprehensible

1 package

why spending time making like 100 bars when you can just buy the one you want in a easy-to-carry single-serving

1 serving

among all energy bars lärabars have to be my fave

1 serving

if i buy them in bulk

1 serving

the cool thing making lärabar at home is that they're super easy to make. easier than any other granola/cereal/protein bar. there's no melting

1 serving

you put everything in the food processor pulse a couple of times and voilà lärabars

1 balls

i decided to shape these bars into because it's easier. but do as you like

1 serving

these blueberry muffin lärabars bars are and chewy as real lärabars are

1 serving

remember that these are energy bars meaning that they are nutritious

1 Balls

blueberry muffin lärabar print this recipe

1 cup


1 cup


1 cup

medjool dates

1 cup



seeds from vanilla pod

2 tsp

lemon juice

1 pinch

grain salt

1 serving

i totally get it

1 serving

but i believe that there's a time and place ) is right now

1 serving


1 serving
