1 serving
aldi grocery store shopping guide: what to buy and what not to buy
1 serving
candy & chips
1 can
i don't buy dy at aldi. a lot of their candy is name brand candy
1 serving
baking items
1 can
aldi flour and sugar are usually very competitively priced. flour be found
1 cups
other baking materials - baking chips
1 can
i don't buy vegetables just because i like to stock up at the grocery store when i buy them
1 serving
1 can
from the grocery store when it goes on sale
1 serving
1 serving
bread & baked items
1 package
bagels. they are not any better of a deal at aldi than any other grocery store
1 serving
1 serving
aldi's fruit tastes great and is priced well. besides that
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we have tried their ice cream and it just has a different taste than the typically ice creams we like. i wouldn't say its bad
1 can
the rice is not priced high at aldi
1 large
i buy the kitchen trash bags. i can typically get an 80-count box
1 serving
paper towels at aldi because i typically get a better price from amazon
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what are items to buy at aldi? come back and share it
january 13
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1 serving
1 ml
yum y0
1 serving
items & condiments
1 serving
1 serving
note: aldi has some
1 serving
nothing really in this department - their produce is awesome. if you are only going to buy one thing there
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1 serving
1 serving
household goods
1 serving
there it is