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Perfectly Pinterest: Whipped Cream Hearts and Strawberry White Hot Chocolate

  • minutes
  • Serves 4


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perfectly pinterest: whipped cream hearts and strawberry chocolate

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it's a really thing that the world in general isn't especially sparkly…i'd be useless; standing around

1 head

but i should probably go a and share this recipe

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i was originally inspired by two peas and their pod's beautiful strawberry sweethearts cocoa

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i made this recipe two ways. and

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the semi-homemade version gets a little help from nesquik. here's the thing



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at the risk of sounding completely broken in the brain

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i know

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i'm really like that

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whenever i get my wedding ring

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i know i'm not alone. my sister is almost as bad as i am. but this does nothing to soothe my embarrassment. after all

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something in a former life. although…that's actually sort of a compliment because they're considered one of the most intelligent animals

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so really

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not that it's not

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the result is