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Pork Chops and Potatoes

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memorable people to watch on mollie b polka party

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i was certain that this was were i was planting my easter lilies just to the side of my babies breath. the babies breath always overtakes

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pork chops and potatoes

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my meat and potatoes guy has me adding some kind of potato to almost every meal. pork chop and potatoes i started this meal by

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mollie b polka party

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this year we only went to the mollie b polka party

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young and old dancers at mollie b's polka party

1 square

egg bake in the copper chef pan


we started out by making an egg bake in the copper chef square pan. hash browns egg bake 1 onion

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popped corn

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otherwise known has corn nuts. but obviously my corn is a lot smaller kernel then the actual ones sold in stores

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garden update

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i think these flowers are geraniums. geraniums the individual flowers remind me of chrysanthemums

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dress up. i have noticed watching the mollie b polka show that it is difficult to see yourself

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lilies changing colors

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stepping stones

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all the activity lately has me a bit exhausted. so i am not going to write much tonight. instead

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public humiliation - the stocks at the renaissance festival

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this is one of the favorite stages at the renaissance festival