1 serving
i'm back from visiting my grandpa
1 serving
it was worth every calorie
1 serving
eggs on avocado toast
1 serving
i won't insult you
1 Slice
it up and place on some toast
1 serving
smear it onto the toast like a delicious butter
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
i love eggs. i always have to have a sit-down chat
1 can
having a avocado easily push me to the savory side of things
1 serving
how i made it so many years without eating avocado is beyond my comprehension
1 serving
enjoy! what's your champion breakfast
1 serving
this is my mom and my grandpa
1 serving
aren't they
1 serving
i did manage to catch a
1 serving
to try to recover
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving