

Favoreats LLC

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Sarah C McGill

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1 serving

honey ginger throat drops

1 serving

it was surprisingly easy. i followed this delightful recipe from scootchmaroo on instructables: cough drops. read all the comments too

1 serving

i'm thinking of trying these again in the winter as gifts. what flavours do you like

1 serving

make ginger tea and let it steep

1 serving

start sugar solution. make lunch while watching sugar. eat lunch nearby. check on sugar solution more while washing dishes. once done

1 drops

wake up: dust off the and they are done! try a drop

1 cup

i strained the tea to get liquid. the liquid was cloudy from bits of ginger

1 drops

i also tried rosemary sage at the same time

1 serving

then i set the ginger-sugar solution to boil. i agree

1 serving

eek! a smaller pot and this would have overflowed

1 serving

this week i found myself

1 serving

have a nap

1 serving

have a nap

1 serving

finish off

1 serving

if first time