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How to Grow Garlic in a Container Indoors

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 head

garlic: it's okay if it has already started to sprout

1 can

flower pot works just

1 serving

getting garlic ready to plant

1 head

your garlic into cloves by prying it open. you want to keep as much of the skin on as possible

1 serving

planting garlic right side up

1 clove

make sure the pointy part of the garlic is facing up and the side that was at the bottom of the head faces down

1 serving

planting garlic indoors

1 serving

growing tips

1 can

as a garnish

1 serving

materials needed

1 serving

potting mix

1 can

opener if you are using a can as your container

1 serving

preparing your container

1 serving

the spruce / michele lee

1 Container

covering holes

1 serving

the spruce / michele lee

1 serving

fill the container

1 serving

the spruce / michele lee

1 serving

the spruce / michele lee

1 serving

the spruce / michele lee