

Favoreats LLC

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Charlie Brown Muddy Buddies

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 sheets

line a cookie

1 cup

in a bowl

1 bag

spoon the chocolate into a ziploc and seal shut. clip the very end off to turn this into a piping

1 serving

apply pressure and draw out a zig zag shape onto the parchment paper. these are going to resemble the zig zag pattern on charlie brown's shirt

1 sheet

once you have filled the cookie place it into the freezer until the chocolate hardens

1 bag

in another ziploc combine the powdered sugar and lemon gelatin mix until they are


melt cups of the chocolate morsels in the microwave the same way you did in step

1 serving

pour the chocolate over the cereal and mix until all of the cereal is covered

1 serving

remove the chocolate zig zags from the freezer and allow to reach room temperate

1 serving

store in an airtight container

9 cups

in the meantime