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THE BEST Brown Butter Bourbon Pecan Chocolate Chunk Cookies

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

pláce the butter in á smáll sáucepán over medium-high heát ánd

1 serving


1 serving

browned. pour the brown butter into á heátproof bowl

1 serving

the "toásted" bits into the bowl ás well. pláce the bowl in the

1 serving

know the butter is át room temperáture when you press á finger into the top ánd

1 serving

it mákes á slight indentátion. it should not be liquid át áll

1 serving

once the butter is át room temperáture

1 serving



preheát oven degrees . line two lárge báking

1 serving

in á lárge bowl combine flour

1 serving

sodá; whisk to combine then set áside until needed

1 serving

bowl of á stánd mixer fitted


ánd both sugárs ánd beát on medium-speed until ánd fluffy; ábout

1 serving

minutes. ádd in the vánillá ánd bourbon ánd beát until combined. ádd in the eggs

1 serving

stirring only until the flour begins to disáppeár. fold in the chocoláte chunks

1 serving

ánd buttered pecáns


roll táblespoon sized scoops of dough between your pálms

1/4 cup

to form á báll

1 serving

spreáding). continue this process until áll the dough hás been rolled. press á

1 serving

pecán on the top of eách cookie dough mound

1 sheets

pláce báking in preheáted oven

1 serving


1 serving

come out of the oven. let cookies cool

1 serving

before tránsferring to á wire wráck to cool completely

1 serving


1 serving

in the


át á time

1 serving

sturdy rubber spátulá

1 sheets