

Favoreats LLC

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Ideas and Inspiration for Your Thanksgiving Celebration

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1 serving

the sheers on the porch were billowing out in the cool autumn breezes

1 serving

instead of a big

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don't you love this happy color

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1 serving

mr. turkey has a place of honor on the porch table. i think he rather likes it out here. 🙂

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our southern home

1 serving

stone gable

1 serving

top this top that

1 serving

sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side

1 serving

ideas and inspiration


november 8

1 serving

happy friday! are you looking forward to the weekend? any fun plans

1 serving

thanksgiving porch

1 leaves

my fall pillows are starting to fade a little from all that wonderful that comes onto the porch this time of year as the began to fall

1 serving

remember the wreath above the mantel in the family room

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i snagged it

1 serving

remember when i decorated this silly guy in my office

1 serving

i took down the platter that normally lives above the hutch…

1 serving

replaced it

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from my front porch to yours

1 serving

adventures in decorating

1 serving

related posts to enjoy

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decorate in

1 serving

an autumn basket

1 serving

autumn comes to the porch



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1 serving



k shares

1 links

a product was provided at no charge

1 serving

filed under: porches

1 serving

never miss a between naps on the porch post

1 serving

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