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Toilet Paper Roll Fireworks Craft for Kids

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

toilet paper roll fireworks craft

1 serving

start by cutting slits around one side of the toilet paper roll

1 serving

cut a slit all the way through and open it up

1 stick

roll the toilet paper roll really tight and tape it together. pull the slits back so they out

1 piece

have the kids dip it in paint and stamp it on a of paper

1 can

after that you wipe the paint off and dip it in the

1 serving

fruit loop fireworks craft

1 serving

salt fireworks craft

1 serving

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1 serving

q-tip fireworks craft


may 21

1 piece

you will need red/blue paint

1 serving

there you have some awesome firework prints

1 serving

if you like this one

1 links

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1 serving

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