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30+ Essential Things You Should Keep In Your Car - Off-Grid

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how to tell if gold is real


most awesome hardware store items


percent of russia's food is from dacha gardens: this is what the gmo megacorps don't want you to know

1 Can

here's how you grow an avocado tree in a pot at home

1 serving

how to attract butterflies to your yard

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how to catch filter and store rainwater

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how to get water out of air

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how to identify a brown recluse spider

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how to make liquid laundry soap

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how to start fire

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is bamboo the ultimate construction material

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next time you feel like showing off - start a fire using a lemon! here's how


the major cities most likely to run out of drinking water - some of these will surprise you

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this cheap 2-way radio is a survival kit essential and got tons of 5-star reviews


this farm grows 50


this is how you grow million pounds of food on 3 acres - no gmos required

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this village is making electricity from plastic bowls

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vintage victory garden plan

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huge list of camping food and dutch oven recipes

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amazing simple aquaponics system

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how to create your own 1-acre self-sustaining “micro farm” homestead

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honey on tap - new flow hive allows you to harvest honey at home

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this is the easiest way to grow tomato seedlings - and it's free

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raised bed like no other: behold the benefits of hugelkultur


best plants

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power to the people: how to survive if the power goes out


bitcoin used an estimated million kilowatt hours of electricity yesterday


awesome shelters you can make

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companion planting guide - pin

1 Container

diy shipping tiny home - bye bye

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here is living proof that we don't need to rely on fossil fuels

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how to build a faraday cage

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how to build a solar furnace

1 Can

this amazing saltwater battery system power your off grid home

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why you should always place a coin in the freezer before leaving


survival knots every survivalist should know

1 Bottles

norway now recycles of plastic making other nations look like eco-failures - here's how they do it

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sperm whales found dead in germany


this amazing “ ring” is a survival essential that could save your life

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this awesome modular home will run on rainwater and sunshine alone