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What Your Electric Company Doesn’t Want You to Know – Smart Meters EXPOSED

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essential oils

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i guess that's supposed to make me feel this smart meter coming to my house

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heart palpitations and blood pressure increases

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ringing in the ears

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dangerous increases in blood-sugar levels

1 pt

disru the blood-brain barrier

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we were told that cigarettes were healthy . we know better now

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we were told that fluoride should be in our drinking water. that is being called into question

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it seems that these emfs are a big deal and we are just starting to see the damage

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data is always worth money. companies pay big money

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perform real-time surveillance


fire risk

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hey told me that in my case

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[smart meter] deployment . . . allows utilities to lower operating costs while increasing revenues.” - frost & sullivan


is a fire hazard


has no real benefit

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government entity forces you to put on your house

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our charges in michigan were really high and our attorney general pressured the utilities to reduce their fees

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seems to be a fire hazard

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“cancer causing big brother technology doohickey

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turmeric tea recipe

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natural ways to improve liver health

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smart meter dangers - are smart meters safe? | new mom

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home / health concerns / what your electric company doesn't want you to know - smart meters exposed

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what your electric company doesn't want you to know - smart meters exposed


by adrienne published may 15

1 links

this post may contain affiliate from which i will earn a commission. learn more in our disclosure



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now i'm not getting a smart meter

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why not

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if it's “smart”

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1 serving

when people say “you look smart” they mean you look nice

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so how a smart meter? are smart meters safe

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must be a thing

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think again

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there are a lot of smart meter dangers that you need to know

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your upgraded meter is coming

1 T

energy hat works smarter

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that's our promise to michigan

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congratulations! smart meters will be coming to your neighborhood in the near future

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but i am not

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i'd heard smart meters

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it's not typical

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i didn't like what i found

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now let me tell you the truth.

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i read a lo and i talked to a bunch of folks on the phone

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i spent a lot of time emailing experts smart meter dangers and emfs

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i read articles on both sides of the topic and i even called my electric company several times

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today's post is the result of my having digested all of these conversations and emails

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i've come to the conclusion that

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i don' want a smart meter on my home

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neither should you

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what is a smart meter

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they relay data your energy

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opponents say there are many risks involved

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i do no want a smart meter on my home

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here's why


smart meter dangers



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there are sooo many health problems

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basically we're talking the same effects of emfs

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now we all know that emfs have been in the news a lot and that there is a lot of evidence mounting the health risks of such radiation from microwaves

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aren't convinced of it

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learning problems

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strange sensations in the body—including buzzing

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anxiety and/or an anxious feeling in the body that is inexplicable

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flu-like symptoms

1 pt

disru nerve transmission

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disru cell reproduction and damage dna

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disru the redox balance through oxidant/nitrosative stress

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here's a biggie

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we were told that roundup would evaporate and not cause harm. we know better now

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if you really want to read some downright frightening and well-done research emf radiation and health problems

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the data collected from smart meters is detailed

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it's worth money

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think it

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identity theft

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determine personal behavior patterns

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determine specific appliances used

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reveal activities through residual data

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targeted home invasions

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provide accidental invasions

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activity censorship

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decisions and actions based upon inaccurate data

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unwanted publicity and embarrassment

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tracking behavior of renters/leasers

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behavior tracking

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public aggregated searches revealing individual behavior

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in california

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interestingly enough

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perhaps this is a smart response

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we really need to count the cost

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there have been hundreds of fires caused by smart meters

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you see some of the horrible photos and information smart meter fires here

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comparing analog to the new meters

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in fact

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they did advise


lack of energy savings

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these smart meters are supposed to save us money

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none of this savings has been proven

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it costs too much

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no net economic benefit to ratepayers.” michigan attorney general bill schuette


in this poll

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hmmm…doesn't sound so now


personal safety

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whether your kids are home alone

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seems like a valid concern



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our constitution has been recently by many government officials and courts

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should we let it go even further


is a health risk


is a violation of privacy


costs too much


potentially puts our personal safety at risk

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you need to pay money if you don't want it

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this huge list of violations will really get you thinking


exorbitant cost

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check in your area how much money your utility want to charge you



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puts my family at risk

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violates my privacy

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quite possibly doesn't save any money

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puts our personal safety at risk

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violates the constitution

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has overpriced fees associated

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whatever a smart meter is

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i hope to share

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that last one has a ring to it


i don't want a smart meter. what should i do next


i have a smart meter already. what can/should i do

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what i have done smart meters coming to my neighborhood

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what i am planning to do

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i hope you all will help get the word out. even if you have a smart meter installed

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protect yourself from emfs

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i will be adding some different options


limit emf exposure


thing that our family does is limit emf exposure as much as possible. we still have some work to do but we love the protective devices from defendershield

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we use their cell phone cases & laptop shields and i feel so much better knowing that we are protecting ourselves this way


know your risks

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[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500" identifier=”b078t2r64c” locale=”us” src=” tag=”whnemo-20" width=”250"]


get a smart meter shield

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if you do

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[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500" identifier=”b00ovjcps6" locale=”us” src=” tag=”whnemo-20" width=”350"]


reduce the effects of emfs

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go herego here to check out their products and purchase

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what do you think

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do you think smart meters are safe



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previous post: « connect

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next post: smart meters are coming to your neighborhood. what should you do

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reader interactions


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