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Hiding the Desk Cables : Chez Larsson

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1 can

— look again and that grey thing is now clad in “oak”. still plastic but i live

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then i strapped the extension thing and the lap top charger in there. worked like a charm but i still had the issue of more cables hanging down so…

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… i used some left over cable channels from another project and used adhesive pads to attach them to the underside of the table top

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the extension cord then runs along one of the legs where i've fastened it

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hiding the desk cables

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tags: cables

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so remember that from yesterday

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so after the initial what to do

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it's plugged into the wall behind the basket of the expedit bookcase and in it i need to plug a) the laptop and b) the lamp. two bulky things needed to be hidden away

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it then runs along the floor in my “oak” tunnel and into another one of those channels taped to the side of the shelf and in behind the basket. kind of reminds me of this actually