repeat until you've done full round of all 6 exercises
do full sets to complete your workout
1 serving
knee tuck crunch
1 serving
inhale and extend your leg back and upward until it's fully extended
1 serving
exhale and your knee back in and up towards your chest to complete one rep
1 serving
complete the same number of reps
1 serving
your feet should pivot to help you extend the weight back and to the side
1 serving
pivot your feet as you rotate the weight down and across your body toward the opposite corner
full ‘chopping' movement counts as one rep
1 serving
do the same number of reps on the other side to complete your set
side plank pulses
1 serving
side plank is your start position
1 serving
lower your hip down to the floor
1 serving
switch sides and repeat the movement on the other side to complete your set
1 lb
start in a modified plank position on your e ows
1 serving
keep your core tight rotate your hips as you dip down to one side
1 serving
immediately reverse the movement dipping your other hip down to the opposite side
1 serving
tip: only use your core muscles to lower your hips down
thread the needle
1 serving
get in a side plank
1 serving
reverse the movement and return to the start position to complete one rep
1 serving
do the same number of reps on the other side to complete one set
1 serving
related article: the fat burning abs workout
reverse crunch
1 serving
lie on your back
1 serving
lift your legs up
1 can
exhale and pull your knees in toward chest as far as you lifting your hips up and off the floor
1 serving
inhale and lower back to starting position to complete one rep
1 serving
tip: extend your arms out to the side
1 serving
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you too. it's effective on its own. you'll definitely feel the burn
this routine has ab exercises
do each exercise until you feel the burn. once you feel the burn do more
1 serving
move onto the next exercise
if it's too easy
once and alternate it
1 serving
get it? good! let's get to work
1 serving
start on all fours. exhale as you draw your knee in and up towards your chest as far as you can
1 serving
this is your start position
related article: impressive moves to create titillating tighter toned arms and abs
1 serving
1 serving
while holding a weight
1 serving
this is your start position
1 serving
reverse the movement
1 serving
continue pulsing your hip up and down
once you feel the burn
related article: waist-clinching exercises to sculpt sexy side abs and create stunning obliques
hip dips
1 serving
keep your spine
1 serving
this is your start position
1 serving
rotate your arm down and under your body
1 serving
this is your start position