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Mom and Son Bonding Ideas for Your Bucket List

  • minutes
  • Serves


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mom life tips & hacks

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newborn & baby care

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these special mom and son dates will stay

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disclaimer: as an amazon associate i earn from qualifying purchases. this comes at no extra cost to you

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why should you go on mom and son dates

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if you're not super-duper into getting sweaty i've also included outdoor outings that don't require you to break a sweat

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physically active outdoor activities

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♡ go mini-golfing

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outdoor date ideas

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♡ go on an ice cream date

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♡ visit the farmer's market

1 ball

♡ see a base game

1 ball

♡ see a basket game and cheer on team

1 serving

fruit picking

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♡ go on a pizza date

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♡ have a water balloon fight

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♡ plant a garden together

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♡ visit the farm

1 serving

♡ work on a big puzzle together

1 serving

♡ dress up as super heroes

1 serving

♡ make a special meal together

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♡ have a dance party at home

1 serving

♡ make a lego model of something cool

1 serving

i love our mom and toddler dates and i really think my toddler does too

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i feel like each toddler date is a unique chance to get to know him better and our mommy and me dates always have him smiling from ear to ear

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♡ build a block tower then knock it down

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♡ make finger painting art

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♡ play a counting game

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♡ have a game of peek-a-boo

1 serving

♡ take a trip to your local farm

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♡ blow raspberries on your toddles tummy and watch them squeal

1 can

♡ ask him to teach you how to play his favorite video game

1 ball

♡ go to a sports game together

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♡ plan a monthly dinner date out

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♡ take a cooking class together

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♡ go rock climbing

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table tennis

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« annual birthday interview questions free printable

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toddler restaurant kit busy diy

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mom and son bonding ideas

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family fun

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c o n a c t

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mom and son bonding ideas

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mom and son bonding ideas


september 30

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categories : motherhood

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sharing is caring

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updated february 8

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this mom and son connection is like nothing else i've ever experienced in my life. which is actually pretty funny because i never ever thought i'd want to be a boy mom

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boys weren't something i really understood

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even if i have more kids one day

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intentional parenting

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we often get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and so we often don't realize that we aren't mentally always there

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excitement and anticipation

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it helps to foster an everlasting bond between mother and son

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as i mentioned earlier

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there's a reason company's use team-building outings to facilitate teamwork. it's because you can't help but bond

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outdoor mother and son activities

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♡ take a hike together and explore nature

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♡ go

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♡ play bubble soccer together

1 serving

♡ try archery tag together

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♡ have a laser tag team battle

1 serving

♡ wash the car together

1 serving

♡ plan an outdoor scavenger hunt

1 serving

♡ play catch

1 serving

♡ take a bike ride

1 serving

♡ go canoeing

1 serving

♡ play tag at the playground

1 serving

♡ take a fishing trip

1 serving

♡ fly a kite

1 serving

♡ go bowling

1 ball

♡ play one-one-one basket

1 serving

♡ go roller skating

1 serving

♡ do an obstacle course together

1 serving

♡ go on a camping trip

1 serving

♡ try skateboarding

1 serving

♡ go to the batting cages

1 serving

♡ see a movie together

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♡ visit the zoo

1 serving

♡ race go-karts at the track

1 serving

♡ take a trip to the aquarium

1 serving

♡ see a drive-in movie together

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♡ take a beach trip and build a sandcastle

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♡ have a picnic at the park

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show together

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♡ make outdoor chalk art on the sidewalk

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♡ play at an arcade

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♡ visit an escape room

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♡ visit an amusement park

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take riding lessons together

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♡ go to a museum

1 drop

♡ go to the library and attend a in program

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♡ feed ducks at your local pond

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♡ attend a yoga class

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kids center

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indoor mom and son bonding ideas

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you take on some fun mom and son projects that you work on over time at home. when you and your child work together on a common goal you can't help but grow closer

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♡ build a pillow/blanket fort

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♡ have a pillow fight

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♡ read a novel together

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♡ watch a movie together

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♡ have a puppet show

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♡ write your own silly story together

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♡ play dress up

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living room

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♡ learn to make origami

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♡ play board games

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♡ make play-doh sculptures

1 serving

♡ make slime together

1 serving

♡ try a science experiment

1 serving

♡ play hide-and-seek

1 serving

♡ play video games together

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matching cards

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♡ play trivia games together


“would you rather

1 serving

♡ play ” i spy

1 serving

♡ draw pictures

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♡ try an easy craft

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♡ play tic-tac-toe

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crossword puzzle together

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mom and toddler son bucket list

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1 serving

♡ go

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♡ sing songs and dance together

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♡ do a jig-saw puzzle together

1 serving

♡ practice singing the abcs

1 serving

♡ “draw” a picture

1 serving

♡ read a story

1 serving

♡ play cars

1 serving

♡ play

1 serving

tickle monster

1 serving

♡ take a trip to the beach

1 serving

♡ visit the zoo

1 serving

♡ visit a petting-zoo

1 serving

♡ go to the library

1 serving

♡ make and play

1 serving

♡ visit the playground and swing on the swings

1 serving

♡ blow

1 serving

♡ learn to ride your first tricycle

1 serving

♡ play sorting activity games

1 serving

♡ make a mess together

1 serving

♡ have some rough and tumble play in bed

1 serving

♡ jump on the bed

1 serving

♡ take cuddly naps together

1 serving

♡ have a mommy and son photo shoot

1 serving

♡ play

1 tbsp

♡ visit pad

1 serving

♡ take a road trip

1 serving

♡ people watch together

1 serving

♡ play

1 serving

fun things to do

1 can

if you're the mom of a teenage boy

1 head

you're probably scratching your asking yourself: how can i bond

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they're a other species

1 serving

go see a movie together

1 serving

♡ go

1 serving

♡ go rollerblading together

1 serving

♡ take a hike

1 serving

♡ play laser tag

1 serving

♡ go to an amusement park and ride all the crazy roller coasters

1 serving

♡ play fun card games together like president

1 serving

♡ binge watch a netflix series together

1 serving

♡ plan and take a fun road trip

1 serving

♡ travel to a new place and explore

1 serving

♡ enter and train

1 serving

♡ go go karting

1 serving

♡ play foosball

1 serving

♡ play air hockey

1 serving

♡ go to kareoke

1 serving

♡ have some fun at the batting cages

1 serving

♡ play golf

1 ball

♡ play paint in teams together

1 serving

♡ play archery tag

1 serving

♡ play darts

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♡ go to a hammer throwing event

1 serving

♡ play bubble soccer

1 serving

♡ visit an art gallery

1 serving

♡ go to a paint night class

1 serving

♡ try an escape room quest

1 serving

♡ take a beach trip and rent ski dos

1 serving

♡ go surfing

1 serving

♡ visit a local fair

1 serving

♡ volunteer together

1 serving

♡ go bowling

1 serving

♡ go boating

1 serving

♡ go camping

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♡ visit some favorite childhood spots

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♡ play games together at an adult arcade like dave and busters

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♡ play adult board games like cards against humanity

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so many things to do

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i hope these special activities help you build the foundation

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there's so many things to do

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leave me a comment below 🙂

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