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DIY Faux Fireplace Entertainment Center: Part One

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1 serving

diy faux fireplace entertainment center: part one - bless'er house

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diy faux fireplace entertainment center: part one

1 serving

update: check out part two

1 serving

the ready-made mantel front

1 can

if we ever decide to rip up the carpet one day and put in wood floors

1 pieces

to cut the plywood robert's dad schooled us on a bit of woodworking knowledge

1 sheet

from the plywood robert cut out the piece

1 serving

then nailed the hearth top into the frame base

1 strips

then we cut plywood to screw onto the back of the mantel to anchor the surround that would come next

1 serving

we switched circular saw blades to cut out the door to one that was and would be precise

1 serving

my father-in-law did the honors of this part. 🙂

1 serving

it's looking more and more like a real fireplace!

1 box

to create the fire door

1 piece

to close in the top

1 piece

we laid down one more plywood on the top and mimicked the end molding of the mantel shelf. robert secured it

1 can

you see part two here

1 can

you see the full reveal here

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diy faux fireplace entertainment center: part two

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sold to a 3rd party. pinky promise

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july 21

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1 serving

diy tutorial how to build a realistic looking oversized faux fireplace using a thrifted mantel

1 serving

supplies used )

3 sheets



×4 boards

1 serving

carpentry nails

1 serving

finishing nails

1 serving

drywall screws

1 measure


1 serving

circular saw

1 serving


1 serving

piano hinge

1 serving

pneumatic nail gun

1 serving

power drill

1 serving

hack saw

1 measure

first thing we did was find the center of the wall and decide on the ments based on the existing mantel front

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1 serving


1 serving

olivia thought it was her own personal stage

1 piece

we used a of plywood over the mantel opening to make into the surround

1 strips

we used drywall screws to fasten the plywood to the anchor from the previous step

1 serving

movement in the surround

1 serving

we off just a teeny tiny bit of the door

1 serving

then helloooo fireplace

1 serving

i know it still looks rough here



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