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Knotted Headband Tutorial

  • minutes
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1 serving

take your fabric and fold it in half

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cut and then open your two pieces. place them right sides together


if you have a stitch like my # on my machine

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cut close to the edges at the ends so that it will lay flat when you turn right side out

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turn the fabric right side out. iron flat

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place right sides together and just sew up the long side

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i just clipped the ends into points and glued the ends closed

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1 T

next up is just the easies flower headband you will ever make. seriously. it takes two minutes and costs less than $2.00. and is pretty self-explanatory since it is so easy

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glue a line on the flowers on the back and glue onto the elastic over the “seam

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i left the opening


another way to do this is take one 5” x 22” piece of fabric

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turn right side out and maneuver the seam so it is centered. press

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ta-da! told you it was so easy