

Favoreats LLC

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Surprise Spa Day, Running, Food & A Weekend Getaway

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

my salad had jalapeño havarti cheese

1 serving

we both worked on flowers and decided to go

1 serving

i was up early

1 serving

i also made a skinny chai tea latte to go

1 serving

i had a random lunch on wednesday afternoon! cucumbers

1 serving

i spent thursday morning blogging my cookies 😉

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lunch: turkey

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becca came over on monday

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i love waking up to this backyard view

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after my power cleaning session

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meighan came over on tuesday night

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i was so proud of he final piece


it was degrees out

1 serving

i called it an early night

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hair looking so red! ahhh

1 serving

i ran to the park road plaza