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Back to School Lunch Ideas

Lauren Allen, Tastes Better from Scratch
  • minutes
  • Serves


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back to school lunch ideas includes lunch recipes

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don't miss the free printable at the bottom of the post that includes a list of school lunch ideas. print it off and keep it on your fridge so you never run out of ideas

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keep your fridge and freezer full of grab-n-go snacks


eggs - cook a dozen and have them ready to go in the fridge

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freezer muffins

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healthy no- bake granola bites

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use different types of bread and lunch meat

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turkey club wrap

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egg salad sandwich

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hawaiian bbq chicken wraps

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chicken salad sandwich

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think outside the sandwich

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make “lunchables

1 can

soups and pastas from dinner taste great in a lunch the next day! you can even re-heat the soup before school and send it in a thermos to keep it warm until lunch

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choose a grea lunch box

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choose a lunch box

1 boxes

insulated lunch work great to keep food cool. i especially like the lunch boxes

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school lunch ideas lis - free printable

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as a parent i've just begun to experience a tiny bit of the craziness that also comes

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plan ahead

1 sticks

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keep a separate drawer

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mix i up

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include leftovers

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lucks mom's! and if you have other ideas i didn't cover

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