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Disney Princess Birthday or Tea Party: "The Royal Coach" Dip Boule

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

pull out the bread

1 serving

save the bread

1 serving

allow the boule to stand uncovered overnight - this helps the bread inside to get a little crusty and it won't soak up so much dip when you fill it

1 serving

shortly before toast 4 pieces of bread

1 serving

carefully cut a circle out of each

2 pieces

toast the other of bread and cut out 2 circles from each

1 serving

place the hollow boule on a platter

1 serving

place a circle on a circle of toast and push a toothpick through the circles and attach them to the boule

1 serving

tie string around the horses and attach the ends to each side of the coach

1 serving

add the dip to the hollowed out center

1 serving

place the horses at the "front" of the carriage

1 serving

whatever you like as garnish