1 serving
the creamy
1 serving
why do they only sell egg nog in the fall/winter? i mean eggs are sold year round
1 serving
using this shortbread cookies recipe i added nutmeg into the mix
1 serving
you could certainly use graham crackers
1 serving
the recipe was inspired by a recipe found on martha stewart's website
1 serving
i'm listening to: cough syrup - young the giant
1 serving
1 1/2 cs
shortbread cookie crumbles
4 tbsps
2 tbsps
1 serving
bake in a preheated 350f oven
1 serving
set aside to cool
2 pkgs
philadelphia cream cheese
3/4 c
egg nog
1/2 c
1 1/2 tbsps
1 1/2 tsps
1/4 tsp
1 tsp
1 serving
pour into your crust
1 serving
place a larger roasting pan in the oven and have some water ready
1 serving
remove and let cool completely on a rack
1 serving
to serve - remove the tinfoil and contents together
1 serving
so there i was
1 serving
pretty sure i was in the zone
1 serving
you know
1 serving
i'm not the only one
1 serving
tell me i'm not the only one
1 serving
composing myself
1 serving
oh lordy
1 serving
tis the season
1 serving
i love this time of year
1 serving
i think we should start a protest
1 serving
what do you think happened next
1 can
1 serving
but it was there
1 serving
glaring at me
1 serving
how could i resist
1 can
i brought it home and clearly labeled it "mom's"
1 serving
1 serving
since you aren't hiding any imperfections
1 serving
crack is bad
1 serving
bake at 350f )
1 serving
there you have it