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Intermittent Fasting Beginner’s Guide

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but the truth is that periods of voluntary abstinence from food and drink has been practiced since the earliest antiquity by peoples around the globe

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some kinds of food

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remember that if you do not eat your body is smart enough that it will start consuming/ burning fat

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once the liver has excess carbohydrates these are converted into fat. this process a lot more complex but just know that there is no limit to the amount of fat your body create


thing i see people doing is that they start eating as soon as they get up in the morning and don's stop until they go back to sleep again

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in order to lose weight what we have to do is as simple as increasing the amount of time we intermittent fast

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the point of intermittent fasting is to allow our body to use the energy already store and to burn/ use it. it's the way our bodies are designed

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some people find it easier to just skip dinner. whatever you choose

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to follow a specific meal plan. it may also

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intermittent fasting beginner's guide - my plate body and mind

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intermittent fasting beginner's guide

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by awilla

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intermittent fasting has been practiced

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there are many health benefits to intermittent including weight loss

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my goal today is to give all the tools

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disclaimer: while intermittent fasting has many proven benefits

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what is intermittent fasting

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let me just start by clarifying that fasting is no starving yourself as many people think

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when intermittent fasting is done correctly you see the many health benefits

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just to clarify; any time that you are not eating you are intermittent fasting

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so i recommend that if you are thinking starting intermittent fasting that you find a schedule that works the best

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intermittent fasting

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intermittent fasting

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when we eat

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but what they fail to realize is that when they do this they don't allow time

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intermittent fasting


something very important to note is that we are told that in order to lose weight we have to eat every to 3 hours to speed up our metabolism

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benefits of intermittent fasting

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weight loss!!! this is the benefit many of us are after. but let me just tell you that there are many more potential benefits than this

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how to intermittent fasting



this means that during the nights that i work i do switch my eating times. i eat from pm to 1 am


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this is a longer period of fasting where you would fast


normally if you follow this fasting schedule you would eat to 2 meals in the four-hour window


hours fast

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if you do this go ahead but to be honest this i cannot do

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alternate-day fasting

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having an eating window



hour fast

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this fast means that you will not eat anything

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this might be more beneficial to those trying to lose weight

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if you're thinking of trying intermittent fasting

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it involves eating only during an 8-hour period and fasting

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as always if you before you start intermittent fasting consult your doctor

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