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Holiday Ideas

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1 serving

then the conversation quickly turned to animals on a farm since tonight is jarom's farm show performance at school. to know he doesn't have any girlfriends yet

1 pt

jarom's comment when describing keahi's hair vs. his hair. then he ke telling iz and me to stop laughing

1 serving

me: the golden rule means you treat people the way you want to be treated.......)

1 serving

why is popeye smoking? i thought he was supposed to be healthy

1 serving

keahi: he noticed popeye's pipe on my shirt and had to point out the contradiction of the spinach and pipe smoke

1 serving

i don't like this broccoli. it tastes weird

1 serving

mommy: "your breath smells fine. why does mine smell bad? i just had orange juice and you just ate salami

1 serving

jarom: i'm super fast

1 serving

mom: what's faster than super fast

1 serving

darn. he picked up on that one

1 serving

daddy is so strong. he's like a muscle man

1 serving

keahi: after seeing a picture of iz carrying the stroller down some stairs. i love that he used the description "muscle man" and that he's picked up our turn of phrase "or something

1 serving

keahi: his elaboration on my asking how he felt when he said his belly hurt. love the detail

1 serving

can you imagine a hole that big

1 can

flowers be

1 serving

mom: oh

1 head

this is a picture of sassa the shark and that's the bow on her because bows make girls look pretty

1 can

please bless every living thing that they find food. please bless the sharks that they can have a time swimming and getting fish

1 serving

keahi: his thoughtful prayer at dinner. at night he blesses every living thing to sleep too. i'm not sure how this works

1 serving

jack lives in a tall building just like ours. but it is not a lovely color. is a lovely color

1 serving

capital and lower case b

1 can

on saturdays we watch shows and in the case of hurricanes we can have chocolate

1 serving

madagascar is the largest island off the coast of africa. it has rainy parts and lots of drier parts

1 serving

high brow potty talk

1 serving

water fall out

1 serving

when the hurricane hits the house it will be to smithereens

1 rack

great. now i've lost t of what we were supposed to be talking

1 ml

keahi: he just rando y dropped this jewel after quiet reading time. i guess he's been fantasizing all the things he'll do when he grows up. maybe i should cut back on all the treats i eat


march 3


iz: isn't this book interesting

1 serving

jarom: yeah.

1 serving

me: that's very astute of you


that i'd have remembered it a year after the test


august 3


may 23

1 serving

jarom: keahi. tell me the girls you like

1 serving

keahi: what

1 serving

jarom: tell me the girls you like

1 serving

keahi: mie

1 serving

jarom: correct. who else

1 serving

keahi: mommy

1 serving

jarom. yup. who else

1 serving

keahi: the family

1 serving

jarom: the family isn't girls

1 serving

keahi: i know. i meant the girls in the family


may 21

1 serving

jarom: mommy

1 serving

mom: what do you know the hindenburg

1 serving

jarom: don't you know? the blur

1 serving

mom: what blur are you talking

1 serving

jarom: don't you know the hindenburg? the blur

1 serving

mom: ummm


may 20

1 serving

jarom: do you know what i have

1 serving

mom: ummm

1 serving

jarom: besides that

1 serving

mom: a nice home? a mohawk? lots of blessings

1 serving

jarom: what else

1 serving

mom: i don't know

1 serving

jarom: laugh vision

1 serving

mom: err...what's that


november 9

1 serving

keahi is more man than me


august 29

1 serving


1 serving

i love that he used the word interjection


july 29

1 serving


1 can

jarom: yup


july 19


keahi: "hey

1 serving

me: "yes

1 serving

keahi: "indeed

1 serving




1 serving

jarom: soooo

1 c

logi bad conclusion


december 21

1 serving

me: on this day eight years ago daddy and i got married


keahi: eight years ago?! i wasn't even born yet. i was years old


december 20

1 serving

i'm going so fast....i lapped him


november 23

1 serving

daddy: "aw

1 serving

jarom: "crap

1 serving

keahi: "jarom


november 23

1 serving

keahi: "tell me i'm at mariokart

1 serving

jarom: "you're at mariokart

1 serving

keahi: "thank you

1 serving

jarom: "you're welcome


oct 29

1 serving

daddy: "jarom

1 serving

jarom: "nooooo. i put my fingers in my bum-bum


september 8


august 23

1 serving

keahi: "why are those people smoking? it's not healthy

1 serving

me: "i don't know. what do you think

1 serving

keahi: "ummmmm...maybe they want to look cool

1 serving

me: "maybe you're right

1 can

shapes and stuff

1 serving

very astute


august 16

1 can

keahi: "mommy


august 15


mom: "look at that sign--hot dogs/draft beer cents

1 serving

keahi: "hot is good. dogs is good. draft is good. but beer is bad. why did you say that

1 serving

sometimes when we're all in the van i forget that keahi is listening to everything iz and i talk


june 8


keahi: "i'm tired of walking i go on the buggyboard now

1 serving

me: "keahi

5 3/10

keahi: " miles


may 23

1 serving

me: "keahi

1 serving

keahi: "yes. it means super stupendous

1 serving

while reading a book together i thought i'd check to see if he understood a word he just read. obviously


may 13

1 serving

keahi: "mommy

1 serving

me: "really

1 serving

keahi: "because they tasted poisonous

1 serving

oh dear. maybe the botanical gardens wasn't the best place


april 5

1 serving

no winning


april 3


march 30

1 serving

keahi: "ouch

1 serving

jarom: "sorry

1 serving

keahi: "it's okay

1 serving

break in talking until jarom starts crying

1 serving

keahi: "sorry

1 serving

jarom cries some more

1 serving

keahi: "i'm sorry

1 serving

jarom: "it's okay

1 serving

i guess a guilty conscience is pretty easy to salve


march 18

1 can

daddy: "jarom

1 serving

jarom: "ummmmmm....yes

1 serving

jarom: "daddy? say 'can i sleep on you' again

1 serving

daddy: "can i sleep on you

1 serving

jarom: "ummmmmm....no


march 18

1 serving

keahi: "mommy


march 17

1 serving

keahi: "how do you write 9

1 serving

his knowledgeable parents: "ummmm...no idea


keahi: "maybe x's


march 15

1 serving

jarom: "i need desitin. i'm stinky

1 serving

keahi: "desitin doesn't help you smell nice

1 serving

it turns out jarom wasn't even poopy


march 10

1 serving

did you know the doctor hurt me


march 6

1 serving

keahi: i'm faster than that

1 serving

keahi: ummmm...extremely fast


feburary 7

1 serving

iz: keahi

1 serving

keahi: no

1 serving

iz: do you think daddy is handsome

1 serving

keahi: nnn...yes!

1 serving

what a silly boy. he totally knows exactly what he's doing


january 9

1 serving

keahi: "mommy

1 serving

mommy: "mmmhmmm."

1 serving

keahi: "what did i say


january 5

1 serving

mommy: "who's this?"

1 serving

jarom: "that's jarom

1 serving

mommy: "why is he crying

1 serving

jarom: "he's crying because....he wants craisons


january 5


december 26

1 serving

hmmm....i can't decide what i want to eat

1 serving

keahi: acting just like us as he carefully perused the menu--much of which was in


december 26

1 serving

keahi: "what are valves?"

1 serving

iz: "they control the flow of blood in the heart

1 serving

keahi: "but what are valves

1 serving

iz: "i just told you. they control the flow of blood in the heart

1 serving

keahi: "no

1 serving

iz: "oh. they're flaps of skin

1 serving

keahi: "okay


november 14

1 serving

mommy: "do you know how old you are

1 serving

jarom: "i'm older


mommy: "yes

1 serving

jarom: "i'm....


daddy: "say i'm years old

1 serving

jarom: "i'm.......one thousand


november 4

1 serving


1 pt

keahi: his defense of me when one of his friends ke banging his head against me


october 26

1 serving

but she hardly even knows him


michael: a year old boy's outraged response to mahana and johnny lingo getting into a canoe


october 19

1 serving

it does not taste bad

1 serving

keahi: after picking his nose and eating it


october 18

1 serving

my tummy feels like the stomach walls are crashing together and something is trying to get through


october 15


october 12


october 3

1 serving

keahi: mommy

1 serving

keahi: ummmm


october 3

1 serving

mom: look at the pretty hat mosaics on the subway wall

1 serving

keahi: yes

1 serving

ever the punner


october 2

1 serving

may i have a tiny little bit please

1 serving

jarom: after throwing his soup on the ground he lost dessert privileges but after this plea he got a tiny little bit of a bite


october 2

1 serving

mom: jarom's what's wrong

1 serving

jarom: keahi took away my tigger shooooooees

1 serving

i keep thinking that jarom is so behind where keahi was at this age but then he surprises me and gets all articulate


september 28


me: "i had people tell me i looked really nice today. i think it's the new boots."

1 serving

iz: "oh.....you look nice today

1 serving

i wasn't fishing


september 23


september 18

1 serving

mommy: "what's that a picture of

1 serving

keahi: "it's the big bang. and then it goes all the way back to the big crunch. it sucks the universe in to the big crunch

1 serving

he really loves those astronomy books


september 18

1 serving

mommy: "he's in a meeting

1 serving

keahi: "what's a meeting

1 serving

mommy: "when a group of people meet together to discuss something important

1 serving

keahi: "we are a group of people and we're together and eating dinner is important so we are having a meeting


september 18


september 15


september 12

1 serving

this isn't cutting. it's fringing


september 9


september 9

1 serving

keahi: "mommy

1 serving

mom: "not

1 serving

keahi: "what month

1 serving

mom: "i have no idea

1 serving

keahi: "but we have to get on a plane when popo misses us


september 9

1 serving

keahi: his response to me telling him no shows this morning. where did he get the phrase "in the case of" from


september 7

1 serving



september 3


september 2

1 serving

bear right: prospect park west. then turn left: 2nd st

1 serving

keahi: on the way home from the park he decided to be my personal gps. so


august 29

1 serving

arron hieatt: when you get a student and a guy from the health department the talk tends to get biological and technical but it's still basically potty talk


august 25

1 serving

why is he going on this street

1 serving

keahi: we took a car service from our old place to our new one and the driver took a different route than we'd done in the past. no cabby's putting one past him


july 31

1 serving

keahi: "mommy there's dirt on my water bottle

1 serving

mom: "it's from the beach. we need to wash it out

1 bottle

keahi: "no

1 serving

hmmmm. future lawyer


july 30


july 29

1 serving

help us be kind to one zero


july 13

1 serving

keahi: "what are you doing

1 serving

mom: "i'm cleaning up my mess

1 serving

keahi: "why did you make a mess

1 serving

mom: "i made a mistake

1 serving

keahi: "why did you make a mistake

1 serving

keahi: "yes

1 serving

mom: "well

1 serving

keahi: "jesus doesn't make mistakes. heavenly father doesn't make mistakes

1 serving

mom: "sigh. you're right

1 serving

i think we've got a budding lawyer on our hands here


july 12

1 serving

keahi: "giant jellyfish crush slime

1 serving

daddy: "really? what kind of slime

1 serving

keahi: "real slime


july 9


july 3

1 serving

keahi: "i won! what do you say mommy

1 serving

mom: "congratulations

1 serving

keahi: "yes

1 serving

i guess i've drilled it into him pretty that the appropriate thing to do when someone wins is to congratulate him/her.


june 15

1 serving

dinosaurs are extinct

1 serving

keahi: i love the way his mind tansitions from one thing to another. at least he understands the word extinct


june 12

1 serving


1 serving

keahi: after reading tons of insect books and going to animal grossology at bishop museum


june 12

1 serving

mommy: "keahi

1 serving


1 serving

keahi: "i see

1 serving

mommy: "my eyes are brown

1 TS

keahi: "but the center is black. . .and i see lo of keahis


june 6

1 can



may 16

1 serving

it's not a stick. it's a lumber thingy


may 13

1 serving

but we do sit in the basket. mommy