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acidosis - means an excessive amount of acid in our body fluids and tissues. meaning - our bodies are unhealthy
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yeast fungal overgrowth
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low energy and chronic fatigue
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bladder and kidney infections
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weak brittle bones
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in sum
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an easy way to support our amazing bodies is to stay in an optimal alkaline range. to do this we want to our ph range which is the measurement of acidity in our blood
here is a short list of of the best alkalizing foods
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acidic vs alkaline - the battle we must win
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by craig l. boucher
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acidic vs alkaline - knowing how to keeping your body in an alkaline state may be the answer to better health and overall wellness
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in the plainest terms
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which doesn't sound
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our bodies become too acidic when we eat junk and treat our bodies like garbage
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the result of our bodies being in this state of ‘acidosis' are
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immune deficiency
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respiratory issues
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damage to the cardiovascular system
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inflamed sensitive gums
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weight gain
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premature aging
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i think we all get the point that we do better to care
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there is something knowing exactly what our ph levels are that helps us get serious taking care of our bodies by eliminating foods that are causing us to be acidic
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so what to eat? which foods are more acidic and which are more alkaline
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why? as people
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you are so de of looking and feeling your best
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dr. axe
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yuri elkaim