1 serving
have you ever grown potatoes in your garden and wound up
1 serving
have you ever seen potatoes sold in bulk and on sale at the grocery? and wished you could take advantage of the low prices
1 serving
canning potatoes - the prep work
1 serving
start by washing off any remaining residue from your potatoes. remove roots
1 serving
1 can
potatoes turn brown if exposed to the air
1 serving
warm water is best
1 pints
add 1 teaspoon of canning salt to quarts
1 serving
canning potatoes: the canning process
1 jars
place closed canning of potatoes in the pressure canner as soon as the water is near
1 qt
process at 10 psi
1 serving
using potatoes
1 can
potatoes be used in most ways you would use ones. only difference is that they're quicker to prepare
1 serving
add potatoes to soups
1 serving
source: food skills
1 serving
at this time
1 serving
fill your canning jars
1 serving
fill canning jars
1 serving
always be sure to label your canning jars
1 serving
1 serving