

Favoreats LLC

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Onigiri to go

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1 serving

salmon☆☆☆☆ everyone liked it

1 serving

salmon mayonnaise☆☆☆ if you don't like mayonnaise

1 serving

tuna mayonnaise☆☆☆ pretty good. it's like tuna salad inside rice ball

1 serving

miso paste☆☆☆☆ miso is inside. many liked it

1 serving

meat☆☆☆ it was okay. it's kind of like taco meat inside a rice ball

1 serving

plum☆ some didn't enjoy this at all. i like it because i'm japanese and i'm used to the taste

1 serving

fried rice☆☆☆ pretty

1 serving

salmon and sesame☆☆☆☆☆ some said this one was one of the best. very tasty

1 serving

brown rice ☆☆☆☆ the rice is

1 serving


1 serving

konbu ☆☆☆☆☆ everyone liked it. some said that this was their favorite