

Favoreats LLC

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Modular Shelves

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month's later… the shelves are all filled up

1 serving

sharing is caring

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

without further ado… here is mr. woodsy to walk you through building modular shelves

1 serving

products that you will be storing on the shelves. draw up plans of how you want it to look

1 serving

if you want to paint your shelves

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locate and mark your studs

1 serving

figure out the best placement and height )

1 serving

not i liked the distance from the desk to the shelves

1 serving

once you decide on your height all you have left is to drill your holes

1 rack

1 serving

hang the shelf on the wall

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when mrs. woodsy wasn't taking pictures she was sitting in the chair

1 serving

here is what the finished shelves look like