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productivity hero—your action plan
wake up long as you're still able to tablespoon in enough sleep
look back. schedule some time toward the end of each week to reflect on what you accomplished and make any necessary schedule tweaks
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what this farmers market manager wants you to know the hustle
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life is short
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what this farmers market manager wants you to know the hustle
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dipping might sound like it doesn't take much effort
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life is short
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some simple habits help you add more happy to your routine. we teamed up
tricks to survive summer nights
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have summer temps made you too sticky to sleep? if ac is not an option
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finally! how to give yourself a giant o if you've never had an orgasm
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ways to get more sh!t done
written by laura schwecherl on may 12
step away from the inbox. incoming emails can be a nuisance. make a habit to only check the inbox at certain times of the day to avoid getting sidetracked
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silence the phone. when it comes to getting stuff done
make a to-don't list.bad habits are just as significant as ones. so make a list of things not to do because they make you unproductive
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gourmande in the kitchen
tune out. those headphones will help tune out any distractions. plus
take a break. carve out some quality “you” time each day to keep a balance between the busy world and your own inner life
download help. still need to get sh!t done? luckily there's an app
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also check out: how to get sh!t done working from home
written by laura schwecherl on may 12
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must reads
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the lift: mountain climbers
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the lift: triceps dips
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all this online shaming is a distraction from what's really going on
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read this next
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here's exactly what goes on behind the scenes when things have to suddenly change
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the lift: mountain climbers
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mountain climbers are as intense as they sound
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the lift: triceps dips
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all this online shaming is a distraction from what's really going on
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in our online world
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just like partnered sex
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anger around racial injustice be confusing — here's how to unpack it
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the first step in successfully managing your anger is to acknowledge that it's ok to feel that way
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this is mine: the only things you can control in life
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the world feel overpowering and chaotic. we explain why you've got control over more than you think
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science-backed ways to take better care of yourself
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