

Favoreats LLC

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What Does 2,500 Calories Look Like

  • minutes
  • Serves



eggs 1 cup egg whites 1 cup oats 1 cup blueberries tbsp maple syrup




buttermilk pancakes bacon pats butter 3 tbsp maple syrup

80 gs

eggs 1 cup egg whites 1 cup oats 1 cup blueberries 2 tbsp maple syrup total: calories 595 fat 15 g carbs 75 g protein

16 2/5 gs


28 1/3 gs

inch buttermilk pancakes 2 bacon 2 pat butter 3 tbsp maple syrup total: calories 673 fat 29.4 g carbs 85 g protein

2 scoops

whey protein isolate 1 apple

1 scoop

whey protein

1 medium

banana 1 cup oatmeal

100 gs

scoops whey protein isolate 1 apple total: calories 376 fat 4 g carbs 35 g protein

12 6/25 gs

scoop whey protein

12 1/2 gs

banana 1 cup oatmeal total: calories 286 fat 4 g carbs 55.1 g protein

6 ozs

chicken breast 1 cup broccoli


everything" bagel 4 oz. turkey 2 tomato lettuce leaf cheddar cheese tsp mustard 2 avocado

90 gs

oz. chicken breast 1 cup broccoli

20 2/5 gs


70 5/6 gs

everything" bagel 4 oz. turkey 2 tomato 1 lettuce leaf 1 cheddar cheese 1 tsp mustard 2 avocado total: calories 632 fat 20 g carbs 70.4 g protein

1 bag

quest cream and cheddar protein chips 1 scoop whey protein 1 orange

2 tbsps

all-natural peanut butter 1 apple 1 container greek yogurt

1 container

greek yogurt

92 gs

bag quest cream and cheddar protein chips 1 scoop whey protein 1 orange total: calories 476 fat 4 g carbs 64 g protein

9 1/5 gs

tbsp all-natural peanut butter 1 apple 1 container greek yogurt total: calories 395 fat 17 g carbs 37.5 g protein

28 1/3 gs

container greek yogurt

6 ozs

steak 1 sweet potato 1 pat butter 15 asparagus spears

6 ozs

atlantic salmon 1 cup green beans 2 pat butter

4 ozs

chicken breast

120 gs

oz. steak 1 sweet potato 1 pat butter 15 asparagus spears

14 23/25 gs

oz. atlantic salmon 1 cup green beans 2 pat butter total: calories 457 fat 22 g carbs 27.5 g protein

83 1/3 gs

oz. chicken breast

5 ozs