1 can
by this point the child is ready to recreate the passage from memory. i have found that sagg recite the piece by the time i'm ready to dictate it to me. show off
1 serving
here's an example of how this process works
1 serving
when the night is beginning to lower
1 serving
when the night is beginning to lower
so. . this month
1 serving
we will read books longfellow
1 g
used her pro
1 serving
when the child takes dictation
1 piece
reverse dictation is copywork in which the is presented in written form
1 piece
dictation is a similar exercise in which the is presented
1 piece
day 1: we read the select a passage
1 serving
between the and the daylight
1 cup
comes a pause in the day's oc ations
1 serving
that is know as the children's hour
1 serving
day 2: reverse dictation
1 serving
between the and the daylight
1 cup
comes a pause in the days oc ations
1 serving
known as the childrens hour
1 serving
day 3: dictation
1 serving
between the ____ and the
1 serving
when the ____ is ____ to
1 serving
comes a pause in the
1 serving
known as the
1 serving
day 4: straight dictation
1 pt
i read the passage to the child
1 serving
at this point