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50 Things to Freeze to Save Time and Money

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

bread-extra loaves go in the freezer so they stay until we get to them

1 serving


1 serving

margarine & butter

1 serving

hamburger & hot dog buns

1 serving

chocolate chips

1 serving


1 can

flour- storing it in your cabinet

1 serving

brown sugar

1 can

meats- buy it when it's reduced and put it straight in the freezer. you save on meat

1 c

wheat germ

1 slice

jalapenos- i in half and flash freeze

1 serving

panko crumbs- i don't want them to get

1 serving

granola bars- when i make

1 serving

baked cookies- occasionally i'll bake several batches of cookies at once and freeze some

1 serving

pie crusts- similar to the pizza crust. freeze it in a disc

1 bag

popcorn kernels- sometimes i'm lazy and buy microwave popcorn. thank goodness the of popcorn kernels is stored in the freezer so they don't get during my times of laziness

1 can

coffee- it's cheaper to buy it in the big but how long will it take one person to use that much coffee? keep some out

1 serving

stock- chicken

1 serving

breads such as pumpkin bread

1 serving


1 serving

pot stickers- flash freeze

1 serving


1 serving

graham crackers

1 serving

candy coating

1 serving

zucchini- because if you grow it

1 serving

ice-yes. ice. because why pay

1 serving

just to keep them fresh. and chips are the best

1 serving
