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Easter Crafts for Sunday School

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

easter crafts

1 serving

how to make easter crafts

1 serving

easter egg top - craft and game

1 serving

recycle plastic easter eggs! make these fun easter egg tops

1 serving

plastic easter eggs

1 serving

liquid chalk markers

1 serving


1 serving

colored pencils

1 serving

clear tape


before class print out the patterns onto heavy paper

4 smalls

draw another smaller circle inside the egg circle

5 larges

cut out the circle and the inside circle. cut little slits all the way around the inside of the circle and fold down the tabs


color the paper circle


slip the paper onto the egg and tape down

1 can

these tops be used

1 sheet

this is a great color to use in your sunday school class

1 serving


1 serving

water color paint


before class print out the picture. if you are using water color

1 serving

glowing easter cross craft

1 serving

bright computer paper

1 serving


1 serving

paper towels


print out the cross pattern onto bright computer paper and cut it out

1 serving

easter story eggs


eggs $ -colored printable patterns only


eggs $ - colored printable patterns only


eggs $ - and pattern


jesus rides into jerusalem


jesus praying in the garden of gethsemane


jesus arrested in the garden


easter egg hunt - hide the eggs around your room. if a child finds a card

1 serving

we would love to hear how you use the easter story eggs. send us your ideas and we will publish them here


egg mobile - i have also printed out another set of the easter story eggs

16 ozs

plastic cup

1 serving

card stock

1 serving

cotton balls

1 serving


1 serving

colored pencils

1 serving

free and pattern


in class have your children glue cotton balls on the cups to look like clouds and color the picture of jesus

1 strip

children color the picture of jesus and then insert into the background picture

1 strip

they pull the paper up so that jesus looks like he is ascending into the clouds

1 serving

he is risen color

1 serving

sad and happy day die bible lessons review game

1 serving

happy and sad day finger game and craft


in a row easter review game

1 serving

easter windsock easter craft

1 serving

card stock

1 serving

crepe paper streamers in different colors

1 serving

highlighter markers and/or water color paint


turn your paper so that it is in the landscape view


glue streamers to the bottom of the picture


curl the picture into a tube shape and staple it closed

1 serving

children will have fun coloring the pattern and then

1 serving

taping crepe paper streamers to the bottom. they look beautiful

1 can

blowing in the wind. if you live in a rainy climate

1 serving

the paper and use plastic streamers instead

1 serving


1 serving

sunday and easter bible lessons

1 serving

colors of easter sunday school lesson


sand art candy

1 serving

free instand download

1 serving

palm sunday lessons

1 serving

see palm sunday crafts and activities

1 serving

hosanna egg holder palm

1 serving

donkey bible game

1 serving

palm branch bible verse review game

1 serving

donkey paper plate craft

1 serving

palm sunday hosanna

1 serving

donkey easter craft

1 serving

donkey paper bag

1 serving

donkey relay race game

1 serving

donkey milk jug craft

1 serving

easter crafts on other pages

1 serving

easter symbols easter eggs

1 serving

blooming flower craft

1 serving

jelly bean poem craft

1 serving

new life butterfly craft

1 serving

hosanna easter egg coloring

1 serving

easter and palm sunday games and activities

1 serving

children of all ages will love these games! go to the easter game page to view them

1 serving

answer buzzers - a great way to step up your bible review games

1 serving

testament bible stories wooden cube puzzle

1 serving

rainbow arch climber

1 serving

fruit candy cross stretch charm bracelet

1 serving

christian family's easter candy bundle

5 ozs

the jelly bean prayer packets 8

1 serving

easter egg cross stickers

1 serving

egglo glow in the easter eggs - have a glow-in-the easter egg hunt. this is a great activity

1 lb

beginners bible easter story flanne oard figures - pre-cut

1 serving

god gave us easter

1 serving

the berenstain bears and the easter story

1 serving

benjamin's box: the story of the resurrection eggs

1 serving

the week that led to easter - arch books


easter egg set resurrection eggs

1 serving

lily's easter party: the story of the resurrection eggs

1 serving

wilton easter 12pc metal cookie cutter set

1 serving

color your own resurrection story eggs craft kit - religious crafts & crafts

1 serving

easter sticker book

1 serving

noahs ark easter eggs filled

1 serving

palm & cross candy fun packs - easter & easter candy & chocolate

1 serving

teacher created resources fun flower stickers

1 serving

teacher created resources god is great stickers

1 serving

names of god stickers


holy week foam stickers

1 serving

multi-colored stickers-religious

1 serving

free sunday school lesson

1 serving

candy-filled bright religious print eggs - sunday school & party supplies

1 Packets

jesus easter promise seeds candy - 2 bags of 17 packets each

1 serving

the beginner's bible come celebrate easter sticker and activity book

1 serving

jesus heals the ten lepers free bible

1 serving

my creative bible kjv: silken flexcover bible

1 serving

free download! bible games

1 serving

free sunday school lesson

1 serving

god gave us easter

1 serving

the berenstain bears' easter sunday

1 serving

member's access

1 serving


1 serving

affiliate disclaimer

1 serving

join today

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

vbs crafts

1 serving

learning fun

1 serving

kids crafts

1 serving


1 serving

b crafts

1 serving

c crafts

1 serving

d crafts

1 serving

e crafts

1 serving

f crafts

1 serving

g crafts

1 serving

h crafts

1 serving

i crafts

1 serving

j crafts

1 serving

k crafts

1 serving

l crafts

1 serving

m crafts

1 serving

n crafts

1 serving

o crafts

1 serving

p crafts

1 serving

r crafts

1 serving


1 T


1 serving

u crafts

1 serving

v crafts

1 serving

w crafts

1 serving

bible crafts

1 serving


1 serving

b crafts

1 serving

c crafts

1 serving

d crafts

1 serving

e crafts

1 serving

f crafts

1 serving

g crafts

1 serving

h crafts

1 serving

i crafts

1 serving

j crafts

1 serving

l crafts

1 serving

m crafts

1 serving

n crafts

1 serving

o crafts

1 serving

p crafts

1 serving

r crafts

1 serving


1 T


1 serving

v crafts

1 serving

w crafts

1 serving

z crafts

1 serving

bible games

1 serving

bible school

1 serving



download pattern $


find the center of the circle and use a math compass to draw another circle that is

1 c


1 serving

paint brushes

1 serving



download - $


paint the picture. as they work talk to them what the bible has to say love

1 c


1 serving

paint brush


tape the cross on a window. the images in the cross will seem to glow

1 serving



download - $

1 c


1 serving

the following activities and crafts go along

1 serving



the last supper


jesus stands before pilate


1 serving

jesus carrying his cross


jesus is crucified


mary at the tomb


thomas doubts


jesus ascends

1 serving

now available in larger sizes

1 serving



download - $

1 serving

pattern only

1 serving



download - $

1 serving

pattern only

1 c


1 serving

jesus ascending to heaven craft

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

designed by tracey lentfer

1 c


1 serving

jesus ascends activity

1 serving

the patterns

1 serving


1 c


1 serving

the sad and happy day bible lesson

1 serving


1 serving

happy mary picture

1 c


1 serving

hole punch

1 serving


1 serving


1 piece

use the pattern

1 serving


1 serving


1 c


1 serving

child is given a plastic cross frame. cross sand art craft kits

1 serving


1 c


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

pin the garment on the

1 Stick

donkey craft

1 serving

wreath craft

1 Stick

donkey craft

1 serving

craft stick

1 serving

puppet craft

1 serving

donkey relay race

1 serving

all the games are easy to prepare

1 can

the games be adapted to any bible lesson

1 serving

also see cross crafts

1 serving

friends and heroes

1 serving

ethnic children puppets

1 serving

all aboard the ark" bible board game

1 serving

alpine tunnel slide - indoor play equipment

1 serving

little love letters from god: bible stories board book


the art of bible journaling: more than step-by-step techniques

1 serving

egglo entertainment toy egglo treasures scripture scroll

1 can

you also use them

1 serving

weglow international cross foam activity bucket

1 serving

he lives" make a scene stickers


religious character stampers - self-inking


psalm - god knows me

1 serving


1 serving

the shepherd" free bible lesson

1 serving

jesus protects me" police-theme bible lesson

1 serving

jesus heals me" - doctor and paramedic - theme

1 serving

bible lesson

1 serving

bug buddies study for

1 serving

home school

1 serving

cross sand & glitter art hanging ornaments


unfinished wooden cross set

1 serving

cross sand art necklaces

1 serving

bible lessons love for

1 serving

children's ministry

1 serving

bible verse buttermints


psalm - god knows me


copyright - digital by design