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easy halloween drink with peep straws

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easy halloween drink

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girl and a glue gun

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easy halloween drink


today i'm part of the cupcake diaries fun series… days of halloween!! days of fun treats

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i don' consider myself a foodie…unless you count stuffing your face

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but i still like to be cool and pretend i know what i'm doing

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1 piece

sometimes you get a little of peep inside the straw…you can just take a toothpick and get it out! but they are so fun

1 balls

the eye are these

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they even have halloween nerds

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yup just sprite! i added lots of ice so the nerds would float…as as the eyeballs

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i love how the nerds started melting…turning the sprite an eerie color

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so there you go! a super fantastic easy drink that looks fantastic on any halloween table

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they were a big hit

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[catablog category=”halloween/fall” catablog-terms catablog template=”gallery”]


teach cut file - september 5


barbie house out of a cheap bookcase! - september 1

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filed under: food

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crafts and diy that are fast and easy. glue gun


september 12

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today i'm up

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so i came up

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the peep straws are so easy…

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straws are here

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but these brains would be fun too


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this post contains affiliate that keeps in my crafting supplies

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