i made 10 extra ones
i made and then added one more
i filled up the ten frame and then put extra ones outside
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we also build each number on the board using these giant magnetic ten frames
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we even build teen numbers on our life size human ten frames! i made these using a dollar store tarp and some tape
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i did 10 plus 6 and that equals
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i also started creating smartboard lessons to go along
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number. the kids loved these! they were so engaged in these lessons! you
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can download a sample smartboard lesson
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by clicking the image below. if you like this
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work on finishing the rest of the numbers! if you have suggestions or
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we play some games to practice our teen numbers every day. we use ten frame flash cards
frame flash: i simply show a ten frame card to the class very briefly
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flash & build: i show a teen number card and the kids have to build it on their ten frame mats
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numeral card and have to walk around the room until they find their match
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concentration: students match ten frame cards
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race to 20: students play
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that's all