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A Homemade & Pretty Mint Country Fete Feel Wedding

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neil and sophie married back in march at gate street barn

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he honeymoon… mini-moon - a couple of days in dorset

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rustic homespun country barn wedding

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pink & boho rustic barn wedding

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previous articlea poppy field adventure. sunday ramble

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it's monday again already

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thanks so much to the fabulous laura mccluskey

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the proposal… neil asked me in antigua on the beach under the stars…

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the vision

budget… £14

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the venue… gate street barn

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credit where credit is due…

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i love that neil and sophie got their family and friends involved in helping to organise their day. thanks so much to neil and sophie

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tags from the story

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louise baltruschat hollis

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more from louise baltruschat hollis

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brace yourselves

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