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31 Scarecrow

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first i decided i wanted it to be compact and capable of being broken down in two parts


taller house one day it needs to be adjustable. i also wanted the branches to sprawl across my ceiling

1 can

i thought using chicken wire

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i glued it just a little to hold it n place then went over it in gorilla glue to really make it strong

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i wanted a strong base since its so tall

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on the top half i started the face

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i just drew on a face and cut it out

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here it is sitting in the bottom half

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i started building up ridges in the tree

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more paper mache

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i tried to match the bottom ridges to the top as best i could

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here are the two apart all paper mached

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i would just glob it on and then smooth it out a little in sections

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then i would get my fingers a little wet and scrape it to make my bark texture

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here it is finally and ready

1 pth

as i was going i would brush on and blend in a brown color in the highlight areas

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lastly i brushed on a lighter taupe color

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no closeups of that...hmm i need to take a bark pic too and add it here

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so i took some old branches i had saved from the last tree trimming

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i will be adding pics soon of the finished tree and it's creepy hanging greenery

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also maybe a cleaner house in the next picture

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as i have mentioned before

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i had a lot to consider

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so i decided to use concrete pour molds


they are around $ each

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i found some flexible irrigation pipe in our garage and decided to use it as a stopper

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ps. the exploded and made a huge mess. i still have glue on me

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when all was

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i coneccted them

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next using celluclay i built the facial features

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i wanted to make more branches but i really am behind schedule right now

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i used a base coat of a charcoal color i had on hand called fittingly called 'black magic

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i decided

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i will be adding some to the branches as soon

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