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paper product
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the paper you see in your home as a notebook is a felled tree. have you ever thought of that
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plastic bags
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you love drinks and foods. it's a must-have on your shopping list. as long as you continue to use these non-biodegradable products
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menstrual pads
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the natural process in menstruation is inevitable. as businesses make a kill in the menstrual product sales
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their disposal to the environment exposes the plastic and related chemicals to cause air and water pollution. the water and the air are safe environments
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as you protect your eyes against the intense sun rays
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they clog at the coral reefs- the food reserve
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the long-term effect is the extinction of some of the rare species in the waters. no one is against the sunscreen but opt
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any energy unit exerts pressure on the electricity-generating turbines driven by environmental phenomenon- water
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the pressure negatively affects the natural balance leading to long term ecological crises
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these non-recycled products sneak to the water systems. it means you directly consume them
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they affect your physical health - the human environment we mentioned earlier. as they also find their way to the natural waters
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their terrible effect on the digestive system leads to starvation
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cosmetic beads and artificial hair
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a tree feller when you value these products anytime you go out to do your shopping. the difference is the same
things you should not buy any more to help the environment | random recycling
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things you should not buy any more to help the environment
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destroying the environment
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there is a reason environmentalists advocate
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if we reduce the demand
1 bag
anytime you buy that plastic think twice the environment
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wooden utensils
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you have an option; go
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aerosol cans
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razor blades
in the us
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why disturb the ecosystem
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air conditioners
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as you sit in front of your mirror
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the aquatic life suffers after your disposal. remember